Little Italian/English glossary for Civil Engineering

Little Italian/English glossary for Civil Engineering

Disclaimer. This post, which is currently just a draft and is still being updated, lists the Italian/English translation of some technical terms used in the field of Civil Engineering. The correspondence is mainly based on my personal experience, and no claim to correctness is made. If you spot errors or inaccurate entries, or if you have tips for improving the contents, please inform me.

General terms

Abilitazione alla professione di IngegnereNone – possible workaround:
Official license as Professional Engineer (in Italy)
Ingegneria CivileCivil Engineering
Ingegneria Edile1None – possible alternatives:
Architectural Engineering
Building Engineering
Laurea triennaleBachelor’s degree
Laurea specialistica/magistraleMaster’s degree
Laurea vecchio ordinamentoFive-year pre-Bologna Process master’s degree
Norme tecniche per le costruzioniBuilding code
Ordine degli IngegneriNone – possible workaround:
Association of professional engineers
1Referred to older single cycle courses substantally corresponding to master’s degrees

Reinforced concrete

Altezza utileEffective depth
1Years ago, sometimes in Italy the word copriferro was used for the distance between the exterior edge of concrete and the axis of longitudinal reinforcement, whereas ricoprimento indicated the cover, i.e. the minimum thickness between the exterior edge of concrete and the surface of the less deep reinforcement (usually stirrups)


Disposizione in chiave (di mattoni)Header bond
Disposizione in foglio / costa / coltello (di mattoni)Shiner bond
Disposizione in spessore (di mattoni)Running / stretcher bond
Muratura a cassa vuotaCavity wall
Muratura a una / due teste (di mattoni)Single- / double-wythe wall
Muratura a due / tre paramentiTwo- / three-leaf wall
Muratura in mattoni / in pietraBrick / stone masonry
Tessitura murariaMasonry bond


CapriataTruss / truss beam / roof truss
Classe di resistenzaStrength class
Legno (legname da costruzione)Timber (BR) / lumber (AM)
Legno (uso generico, per es. mobili)Wood
Legno massiccio / l. masselloSolid wood
Legno di conifere1Softwood
Legno di latifoglie1Hardwood
1It is not a strict botanical distinction, it is rather for standardization, industrial use and design purposes

Various terms

Barbacane (elemento architettonico, vedi)Jetty beam / joist (see)

First release: 3 aprile 2021

2 thoughts on “Little Italian/English glossary for Civil Engineering

  1. Thank you very much. I really need an English-Italian glossary for civil engineering since I’m looking for job in Italy. You’ve been my Professor at ENSTP in 2016…

    1. Thanks, I remember you. Anyway, this post is only a stub, unfortunately I do not have much time to improve it.

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